Chupapanza Gel

Chupapanza Gel

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EXCELLENT FAT BURNER AND NATURALLY REDUCES SIZES, REDUCES STRETCH MARKS AND CELLULITE. The Gel helps to lose weight because it has properties that help to detoxify the organism, improving its functioning, which helps to Accelerate Metabolism, Burn Fat and combat the Retention of Liquids. Net Content: 300 Grams Directions: Apply the gel daily in the desired area with a light massage, minimum 2 times a day. It is recommended to use a body shaper or a sauna body shaper for better results. You can apply the gel in the morning, before exercise, while performing your daily activities, and at night before bedtime as it is quick absorption. Gel is not of greasy or sticky consistency and does not stain clothing. Benefits of Gel: 1. Fat Burner 2. Reduces Sizes 3. Reduces Sagging Skin 4. Anti-inflammatory 5. Eliminates Flaccidity 6. Reduces Cellulite 7. Eliminates Toxins 8. Attenuate Stretch Marks 9. Eliminates Colics 10. Ideal for postpartum 11. Ayuda para muchas otras cosas Modo de Uso: Aplique el gel diariamente de manera uniforme en la zona deseada y de un ligero masaje. Mínimo 2 veces al día. Puede aplicarse de día, antes de hacer ejercicio o mientras realiza sus actividades cotidianas y en la noche durante el descanso ya que es de absorción rápida. No es grasoso ni pegajoso y no mancha la ropa. Es un excelente eliminador de toxinas perfecto para su uso antes del ejercicio para eliminar grasa acumulada o por la noche para desintoxicar los poros. Beneficios del Gel: 1. Reduce cintura 2. Reduce tallas 3. Elimina Grasa 4. Desinflama 5. Elimina Flacidez 6. Elimina Celulitis 7. Elimina Toxinas 8. Atenúa Estrías 9. Elimina Cólicos 10. Ideal para postparto 11. Helps with many other things This product is not a medicine. It is the responsibility of the person who uses it and who recommends it.


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